1.Stay single for a long time when you have just broken up. Don't go into rebound relationship. When you stay single, You will explore more about yourself. You will know your
2.limitations and what works for you and what doesn't. In short,You will know your worth.
Social media addiction. You should quit it and start living your life in reality.
3.Relying on anyone especially emotional wise. Never get attached with anyone. When you are surrounded among people who matters, shower them with love, care and respect. But, don't get emotionally attached with anyone.
4.Restricting yourself to flourish in life. Try everything in life. Explore what works for you in general. Don't say no to anything until and unless it harms you.
5.Never share your next move to anyone.
Don't spend more than you earn. Live your life below your means and save that money.
6.Neglecting your health. Do everything that keeps you fit and healthy. Eat clean. Workout. Eat out less. Cook your own meals. Avoid bakery items, processed foods and deep fried foods. Eat fibre. Go vegetarian. Do everything that works for your body.
7.Trust no one blindly. Set boundaries and don't let anyone cross that path.
Don't stop creating new ideas and keep your brain healthy. Read books. Try painting. Try anything that lets your brain stay active.
8.Don't be afraid to say No. Don't force yourself to say yes when your heart doesn't wants to do it. Listen to your heart and treat it respectfully. Be fearless and disappoint others inorder to accept yourself and be yourself. It is a form of self love and don't let anyone and anything stop you from that.
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