1.Come to like yourself: Act, talk, dress the way you like. Take actions that your confident self will take. 2.Notice People: Shift your attention from yourself onto people. Observe the way they act, what they say — make deductions about them. 3.Reconnect with play: Play is a state of being truly ourselves when we dissolve our ego and the fear of looking stupid. Sports, games, hiking — find what brings on that state for you. 4.Calculated risk: Do things that change your thinking patterns, what you thought was possible. Get out of your comfort zone — approach that person etc. 5.Develop a skill: When you something you are good at, you become confident. Play to your strengths and build a skill on them. 6.Eliminate negativity: The news, toxic friends, influencers anything that makes you feel horrible about yourself; get rid of it. 7.Self-care: Do something good for your body. Every day try some exercise, skincare, healthy foods or anything. 8.Get out of your head: Do activities that get yo...
Princewill Daokorite is an Afro-realistic writer, a Brand Specialist/Ambassador, an Entrepreneur and a Humanitarian.