1.You have difficulty taking criticism: If you are unable to accept criticism or feedback from others without becoming defensive or angry, it could be a sign that your ego is too big. A healthy ego allows you to accept constructive feedback and use it to grow and improve.
2.You constantly seek attention or validation: If you find yourself constantly seeking attention or validation from others, it could be a sign that your ego is too big. A healthy ego is self-assured and doesn't require constant external validation.
3.You belittle or talk down to others: If you feel the need to belittle or talk down to others to feel better about yourself, it's a sign that your ego is too big. A healthy ego allows you to recognize and appreciate the strengths of others without feeling threatened by them.
4.You have a sense of entitlement: If you feel entitled to special treatment or privileges without earning them, it's a sign that your ego is too big. A healthy ego allows you to recognize that you are no better or worse than anyone else and that everyone deserves respect and equal treatment.
It's important to note that having a healthy level of self-confidence is important, but it's essential to recognize the difference between confidence and arrogance. A big ego can negatively impact relationships, hinder personal growth, and lead to unhappiness in the long run.
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