This Is Pretty Educative: She’s rejected me, but we stayed friends. Why do I still love her, and how do I stop loving her?
She’s rejected me, but we stayed friends. Why do I still love her, and how do I stop loving her?
Because you did it wrong. You obviously acted like you were “just” platonic friends until you felt comfortable enough to ask her out. And as you see that plan didn’t work and now you’re basically stuck in the friendzone.
The reason you still “love” her is because your focus was to date her the entire time so actually getting to know her platonically just fueled your undercover mission. You obviously were feeling so good about her that you asked her out romantically and her actually rejecting you was probably a big shock and obviously went against the fantasy you had going with her since the beginning. You’d probably rather fantasize about the situation working out rather then coming to the realizaton you’ve already been rejected. That’s basically the only reason you would stay friends with her because you know you really don’t want to be “just” platonic friends with her.
The way to avoid this in the future is to cut out the fake platonic friend mission. Just ask girls out when you first see them. That way you haven’t had enough time to imagine your Disney movie happily ever after future so if she does reject you it won’t be so shocking and you can just move on. And if she does like you back you can get started seeing if you’re compatible for a relationship immediately. And if you stick to this plan you’ll never get friedzoned again.
By Chris Tion
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